SaaS Product Designed For Volusion

The approach was to create a platform that eliminates all the stress behind creating an online store for sales-enabling, a SaaS application that allows its user to pick from the best website designs available on the given platform. Volusion, with this embryonic idea, connected with the 11thAgency while searching for a web development company that can bring their idea to life.

Forecasting the success of a SaaS product is dependent on how well we nullify the concerns of your future customers, and that is identified by proper research. Volusion’s target was to help merchants scale their business by helping them construct an online store and help them in their business website creation.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • SaaS Application Design
  • Landing Page Design
  • Custom Artwork & Icons
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Who will be our future Customers? – The first question comes to mind the moment you start working on the wireframing. We always tend to draw an interactive, understandable wireframe design. Put the first step right; to get the desired outcome. Wireframe design is the firsthand demonstration of the website functionalities and navigations; by understanding the needs of the market, we designed an interactive self-explanatory blueprint of the website.

A Low-fidelity wireframe is presented at first to explain to the stallholders about our approach and take their input. After the satisfaction of all the stakeholders, a high-fidelity wireframe is drawn, to proceed with the website design. We structured it in a way that the website communicates what the brand ideology is. We opted for a masonry layout for the product display; which makes it easier to find exactly, what you’re looking for.

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SaaS Product Design & Development

By adding colors and relevant images, customized artwork, and needed website elements; we designed an attractive, eye-catching SaaS Application Design. Our website design services are trusted only because of the quality we offer. The design focus was to create a website that visually communicates with the customers and guides them through each step.

The churn rate is an essential metric that defines the success of the SaaS Product; a low churn rate indicates the likelihood of the clients. SaaS Development was carried out keeping the future customer’s concerns in mind. A User-friendly customer experience was designed to drive clients to become customers and retained them.

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Forms Layout & Design

The checkout functionality in all the e-commerce websites is an essential aspect of customer retention; a user-friendly site always keeps a good impression on customers without going through any trouble if, a customer can easily accomplish its objective of visiting your website; it’s a win.

We designed both the front-end form that will be visible to the customers and the back-end admin panel, and both were to be self-explanatory where users don’t have to put a lot of thinking behind it.

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Website Navigation Design

11thAgency is a customer-first website development company; we identify the needs of end-user and develop websites and applications accordingly. Navigations play an instrumental role in creating a user-friendly customer journey.

Lesser clicks, Maximum result; the approach we adopted while designing the navigations; it was beautifully designed using custom icons and content to make it customer-friendly.

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A human-centric digital solution that is designed with a result-driven approach helps in sales incline, increases queries, and maximizes conversion rate is what we target to develop.

1200+ Free Trails

750+ Merchants On-Board

25% Incline In Sales

SaaS Product designed by the 11thAgency was something we anticipated when we first discussed the idea; easy to use or comprehend for the customer was our priority, and that’s what they delivered.